+33(0)3 22 80 01 64 info@h2air-gt.eu
Amiens 29 rue des Trois Cailloux

Administrative management

Administrative management

Provides the asset manager with details that enable him/her to make informed decisions

Provides the asset manager with details that enable him/her to make informed decisions : Invoicing, Accounting, Budgeting, Taxation, Correspondence

We can formulate an appropriate offer for the administrative management:

  • From the start of construction,
  • At the time of commissioning
  • After a few years of operation,
  • After expiry of the purchase obligation.

We therefore offer you a "turnkey" management service, including the management of project companies to ensure all services:

  • Invoicing,
  • Accounting,
  • Budgeting,
  • Taxation,
  • Correspondence, etc.